Xingyi Palace Xingyi Palace

Xingyi Palace

Triangle appearance
It is approximately an equilateral triangle with a side length of 13.5m, and the indoor area is 128 ㎡.
For accommodation use, each space includes one room, one bathroom and one hall. It can meet the use needs of 3 families at the same time. 
The indoor height is 2.6m, for commercial use the indoor height is 3.6m.
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Rising Sun Villa
There are two types of houses
One is King bed room for young people, and the other is Parent-child room for families;
The diameter is 7m, the height is 3.2m, the indoor height is 2.6m, and the indoor area is 34m ²。
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Xingyi Villa
The extended room is designed with living room in the middle and bedrooms at both ends.
The shell is 13m long, 7m wide, and the indoor area is 72 ㎡.
For accommodation use, the indoor height is 2.6m. For commercial use the indoor height is 3.6m.
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Rising Sun Palace
The largest room type of Galaxy villa series and it is designed as four private spaces (each including one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom).
The long side of the diagonal is 18.6m, the short side is 13.7m, and the indoor area is 172 ㎡.
For accommodation use, the indoor height is 2.6m. For commercial use the indoor height is 3.6m.
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